“Consciousness is the most important subject that is the least understood.”
James Mahu
here have been walls erected to inhibit our comprehension of who and what we are. All of us through time have created these labyrinth wallsーcollectively. In some ways, it is a work of art. In others it is the hardline of separation from an Integral feeling with all life. We enter the worlds of duality and we separate from one another and ourselves. We experience this separateness within the body-ego.
The term Sovereign Integral describes our coreness and essence. This site is dedicated to offering an onramp to this particular consciousness. To bend around the walls and see inside a new, possible model of existence.
Not everyone is ready to accept the possibility that a Sovereign Integral consciousness even exists, inscrutable as it is to the scientific method. It remains, however, attainable to any of us. It is not approached through spiritual methodologies, credible wayshowers, religion, or even personal spirituality.
It is approached through pure philosophy. It is an invitation, and then a behavioral shift. It is a system of imaginative explorations, and then taking these explorations and expressing them within one’s life. It is our mission to build a culture of consciousness untainted by the distortions of a Social Program that has gripped humanity for thousands upon thousands of years.
The Sovereign Integral paper is free. You can download it in various languages. You can read it online here.
Greyed out versions are actively being translated, but not yet finished. Please check back if your preferred language is not yet available. If you’re interested in translating the TSI Paper, please contact us.



audio extracts

The Song of Consciousness is a companion to the The Sovereign Integral paper. It
is an artistic expression of the Sovereign Integral consciousness.
Movement of Consciousness and Interconnectedness
Launched in 2023, MOCI proposes that science, religion, and philosophy – through no fault of their own – lack the necessary tools, language, and perspective to decipher the enigma of consciousness and interconnectedness.
The movement of consciousness and interconnectedness is, in effect, endeavoring to fine-tune the lens by which we perceive consciousness through the medium of art and storytelling. An agnostic, philosophical art, provides us with the capacity to experience and envisage ourselves as part of the vast field of consciousness where we are all one.